Monday, March 9, 2009

A better attempt at Photo assignment

So I've been having trouble mostly because I do not know how to use my computer to put the images into this blog. Secondly, I have difficulty thinking like a globetrotter. Therefore what I had decided to do was to try to be as racist as possible and think as a woman would in the early 20th century who had no understanding of Japan whatsoever nor had the desire to. I picked 5 images I thought I might like to hang up in my house to show off to all of my guests. Thus, I tried to pick the most "exotic" and "strange."

I got all of these images from this website:

This is an images of a woman pouring tea. She is sitting in a gentle pose and is surrounded by beautiful things. I imagine if I was a housewife in the 1900's, I would myself want to be a beautiful hostess like this woman here. I would love to possess this femininity and the dainty tea set that she has. I would love to have hair as shiny as hers and a dress so beautiful. This woman is surrounded by beautiful things and I would love myself to be as beautiful as her. I imagine any friends that I would invite over to see this picture would want that too.

Speaking of beautiful, this one has a gorgeous sunset. The brown grass only accentuates the orange in the sky. And look at that man with the funny grass dress and flat hat. I would never see something like that in America. That man seems so natural, so comfortable and fitting in his environment. He seems to be at one with nature. What a simple life he must lead. I envy him but never, ever want to be him. The Japanese are such a rustic people.

Speaking of rustic, good-golly look at that. What a quaint little cottage. What is it supposed to be? A farmhouse? Who cares it's adorable and strange looking. The don't have the means or intelligence to create for themselves better architecture? Does someone actually live there? Poor them, it is so small. They must have to squat when the get inside. The probably sleep on the ground like animals. Such lowly people. The photo does have great composition though.

Oh look, here's better architecture. But it's supposed to be a castle? It's so plain and boring. why is it not grand and extravagant like those in Europe? But the Japanese people are stuck in their ways and have probably have not yet developed the creativity needed to make their castle better. It just shows that they can not match the superiority of the west. We just make thins better than they do. The are such are such country people.

But can one blame them for being such country people? Look at the nature they are surrounded with. It is no wonder that they are such a natural people. I do enjoy nature though and would love to travel to see this mountain. But a photo is just as good. Are the American mountains not as grand or as beautiful. They are taller even, perhaps much larger that Japan's grand mountain. Still is is a lovely photo and I do enjoy looking at it.

Well sorry I told this as though it were a picture story. Perhaps is was more fun that way.

In case no one noticed, this entire time I've been sarcastic to prove the point that these photographs that often were used to help educate the West about Japan only solidified false stereotypes.

second photo test

photo test

Monday, March 2, 2009

atempt at photo assignment

I have to post that b/c I can't figure out how to save the image yet.

This is an image of Kinkakuji, the gold temple in Kyoto. I picked this photo b/c I had gone there, took a picture of it, and then lost it when I had to wipe my hard drive a few days later. And this made me very sad. This picture makes me feel...somewhat lonely actually b/c I had gone through painstaking lengths to go to Kyoto and now have no proof. So I am alone with my assertion that I did something that weekend.

I will try to find a better photo that better fits within the dynamic of what we're doing in class. That is perhaps choosing a photo because of the preconceived notions behind it.